Toby, a canine hero

Toby, a canine hero

Children have to know how to take care of their pets, and thus, well trained, they will become their great allies forming a great team.


Pepe, a child with childhood diabetes, and his family visit a farm-school where puppies are trained to take care of people and carry out many important missions. This little dog, through his sense of smell, has learned to detect if there is a problem with the child’s health. When the family learns how to treat the puppy, they take him home, where they enjoy their coexistence and little adventures. But the day Pepe needs him, Toby shows what a good companion he is and how well trained he is.


This story shows us the interaction of puppies with children suffering from any disease. How the animals help them to avoid loneliness, increasing their self-esteem, promoting their social activity and encouraging them to exercise. It has been proved that this lowers their levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, therefore reducing pain and anxiety. This is important for curing diseases and, sometimes, healing people’s souls. Children have to know how to take care of their pets, and thus, well trained, they will become their great allies, forming a great team.

Cuentos para alargar-la-vida
Álbum ilustrado, Lecturas en inglés
  • English
Depósito legal
SE 1008-2023
24 cm
17 cm
Fecha publicación
Tapa dura
15,15 €
Descuento 5%15,95 €

Sobre M. Victoria Conde (Escritor)

  • M. Victoria Conde
    Tiene una larga carrera profesional como TCAE, desarrollada en muy diferentes ámbitos; como el servicio de trasplantes del Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, y durante 14 años en el servicio de UCI del hospital Universitario de Burgos, centro en el que trabaja desde diciemb... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Daniel Millán (Ilustrador)

  • Daniel Millán
    Siempre buscando aventuras desde que tiene recuerdos, el pequeño Daniel jamás se imaginó que los dibujos que hacía en clase, porque no quería atender, acabarían siendo aquello que más le llenase en la vida. En aquellos cuadernos, se enfrentó al asalto de profesores y de bullies q... Ver más sobre el autor

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