The Human Factor and Social Responsibility (SR) are key elements at BABIDI-BÚ. We have adopted the 2030 Agenda as our strategic framework and we share the UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as the end of poverty and zero hunger, health and well-being, quality education and gender equality, among others.
Our efforts are aimed at supporting all non-profit organisations in Spain that ask us to donate children’s and young people’s books for projects to support reading. Among many other associations, we collaborate with different non-profit organisations such as El Gancho Foundation, UNICEF, Educo and Cruz Roja.

End of poverty and zero hunger
To promote the end of poverty and zero hunger in our society, we help in the great work that UNICEF does, allocating part of our profits to collaborate with them.
BABIDI-BÚ publishing house collaborates in Educo Association’s canteen grants, so that all children who need it have access to the school canteen in schools, where their food, education and protection are guaranteed.
Quality education
Fundación El Gancho
With our solidarity books, in which we donate royalties from sales, thanks to the help of selfless authors of great human stature, we collaborate with Fundación El Gancho, which sets up special and wonderful projects as La Azotea Azul, el Sillón Azul or Tu Casa Azul, aimed at helping hospitalised children and their family in Seville.
Our last project is Los 13 asustadores profesionales más famosos de la historia, a solidarity book written by journalists Laura Falcó and Lorenzo Fernández Bueno, inspired by the radio programme El Colegio Invisible on Onda Cero. The profits from this project go to the Tu Casa Azul project, or as they call it ‘a home away from home’, a house where families can live together with a common cause, the struggle to overcome the illness of their children.
Promoting reading and writing among young people: Fundación Cádiz CF
Since 2020, BABIDI-BÚ Publishing House has had an agreement with Fundación Cádiz CF to promote reading among young people.
Within the framework of this agreement, BABIDI-BÚ Publishing House has made multiple donations of books from its catalogue, destined for social programmes to promote reading.
Storytelling competition “Cuento contigo”
On the 110th anniversary of Cádiz Football Club, BABIDI-BÚ participated together with Fundación Cádiz CF and the network of municipal libraries in 2021 with the creative writing competition “Cuento contigo” for the youngest with a real proposal for reading and sport.
Fundación Nuevo Futuro
Through Cádiz CF, BABIDI-BÚ Publishing House was able to donate a large number of copies to Asociación Nuevo Futuro, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to foster children deprived of a family environment, as well as the protection and comprehensive development of children and adolescents.

In the case of Asociación Alendoy, the donation was destined to the toy library that this organisation has in the Barriada de la Paz neighbourhood in Cádiz, where they attend to children at risk of social exclusion. The aim of this association is to pursue equality and social justice by developing socio-community and educational intervention programmes.

Nuevo Futuro
Another of the entities that have benefited from these donations has been Asociación Nuevo Futuro, a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to foster children deprived of a family environment, as well as the protection and comprehensive development of children and adolecents.

Cruz Roja
One of the beneficiary entities has been Cruz Roja for the PINEO programme, a project that Cruz Roja Juvenil develops with actions with children and young people in their free time, to promote social development and inclusion.

Hospital Puerta del Mar
Hospital Puerta del Mar also benefited from donations from BABIDI-BÚ Publishing House. Specifically, the paediatric reading area of the hospital received the books with the aim of enriching the centre’s playroom and creating reading spaces on different floors.

Madre Coraje
The NGO Madre Coraje also received a donation of books from BABIDI-BÚ. Madre Coraje is a non-governmental development organisation.
It should be noted that one of the main objectives is to encourage reading habits among young people and also to stimulate creativity and imagination through reading. BABIDI-BÚ Publishing House and Fundación Cádiz CF have renewed the collaboration agreement in 2022 to continue working to promote reading among young people.
Palabras para la Navidad
Palabras para la Navidad (Words for Christmas) is a project to promote reading and writing devised by Cadena SER’s Radio Sevilla, with the participation of BABIDI-BÚ. The winners of the 2019 competition have been presented in this volume.
Igualdad y diversidad, un objetivo real
A team with a woman’s soul
Both in our day-to-day work and in our creations, gender equality and the visibility of diversity are very present in our work. Our team is a team with a woman’s soul, where feminine sensibility permeates every corner of our publishing house. Haven’t you met our team yet?
Mevés, more than just a collection
A collection aimed at giving visibility to alternatives and diverse choices, whose books will tell stories of sensitivity, sexual freedom and transgender feelings.
Energía asequible y no contaminante
Our social conscience is so deeply rooted in our team that each one of us is aware of how important small gestures are and that everything adds up. Thus, whenever possible we work with open windows, avoiding air conditioning or not going below 25ºC, every day at the end of the day, we turn off every computer, every screen, to avoid consuming residual energy. Of course, we recycle all our paper and documents, and we always offer our customers cloth bags.
Decent work and economic growth
Decent work with flexible conditions is our philosophy. At BABIDI-BÚ we are a big family that grows every year, making every day a rewarding experience and offering each worker the necessary alternatives for conciliation.
Responsible production and life of terrestrial ecosystems
Our books are produced with 100% ecological paper, whose origin is produced through recycling or by manufacturing pulp from sustainable forests and the inks are water-based, the most environmentally friendly from an environmental point of view, since only water is released in the drying process.
Climate action and life of terrestrial ecosystems
Through our collection El planeta imaginario we want to instil care for the environment. The climate and environmental crisis that our planet is experiencing is a problem that concerns us all. Although, a priori, adults are the most aware of this situation, children also have an important role to play. It is necessary to teach them the value of the place where we live so that they learn to take care of our planet. A planet that we all clearly imagine, where principles such as respect, awareness, empathy and responsibility are shared by all its inhabitants, giving viability to future generations and different species.
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