An inescapable literary commitment to a generation that does not expect it

What can be said about teenagers’ literature that hasn’t already been said?

What we do know, from our experience, is that this requires commitment and clarity in the message, an effort to recognize the singularity of our adolescent readers at the present time. It requires a control of language that is balanced between trends and jargon and the didactic and educational, teaching the difference between the vulgar but fashionable, and the academic.

We want to do our bit so that our youth literature authors have, in our label, a place to go and where to stay.

Thanks to works that are already jewels in our catalogue, we have established ourselves in the literary world with great authority, endorsed by authors with great experience and authors who have trusted us to publish their first work in relation to children’s literature.

What is the best publisher to publish a children’s book?

Without a doubt, the best children’s publisher to publish a youth book is BABIDI-BÚ. Every day, we continue to value youth-themed manuscripts with which to enrich our Ginkgo biloba collection, which was designed to house this type of work.

Get to know BABIDI-BÚ’s first-hand experience

One of our leading authors, José Francés, tells us about his experience at BABIDI-BÚ, after publishing his youth book The Labyrinth of the Seven Keys

All the Video Testimonials

Do you still have doubts?

Contact us or read our frequently asked questions about publishing children’s books

A work of great length, aimed especially at readers, mostly young, although not exclusively.
If you go to a publisher like BABIDI-BÚ, there are different steps for your manuscript to end up being published. From the reception and evaluation of the work, correction, layout and design, illustration (if needed), printing and, finally, its publication
It is a mathematical formula that is directly related to the price of printing. In turn, this cost depends directly on the format, paper quality, number of B/W pages and number of color pages. The interest of the publisher is that the prices of its books are as competitive as possible, to promote an easier sale among its readers, so we always opt for very adjusted prices with respect to cost. If an author wishes to raise the price of his book with respect to our proposal, we will study the case and reach an optimal consensus for all parties.
The manuscript goes through the processes of: assessment, correction, layout, printing, distribution, promotion and marketing.
There are three types of ways to work from a publisher. Self-publishing, traditional publishing and co-publishing.
It is recommended that you avoid self-publishing and let yourself be advised by a publisher that will guide you along the way so that there are no problems publishing the work
At BABIDI-BÚ we will be happy to help you with the entire process to follow to publish a youth book. Access our website and contact us

Do you have any further questions? Contact us

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