How and why we select a work

Your manuscripts are received by our Editors, who reorganize and forward them to the Reading Department. They will then be studied and evaluated before being cataloged within one of our collections if they are thought to be in line with our editorial style.

Our innovative editorial protocol allows us to quickly evaluate the large number of manuscripts and illustrated works that we receive weekly, also giving space to new authors who, despite having very valid projects, find it very difficult to “open the doors of the publishing world”.

Our publishing protocol gives us the opportunity to deal with the large number of manuscripts or illustrated works that we receive every week, giving the opportunity to publish to new authors, who find it very difficult to “open the doors of the publishing world”, even if they have very good projects.

Marta Montes (CEO of BABIDI-BÚ)

How to publish your children’s book?

One of the characteristics of this protocol is the commitment of the publisher to the commercialisation and maximum dissemination of the published works, and the need to involve the author in this process in different actions (presentations, talks, workshops, direct actions with schools, etc).

How to publish your children’s book?

What is the best publisher for children’s books?

BABIDI-BÚ is one of the best publishing houses for children, specializing in the publication of hardcover albums and in the treatment of implicit values in the works.

Our catalog consists of 19 collections that promote reading while having fun. But that is not all. Each of our books tries to convey human values, to help our young readers to become great people. For this reason, our motto is: “from little readers to great people“.

Another of the most relevant reasons that places us among the best children’s publishers, among others, is the variety of our collections, which focus on themes that are fundamental for us such as love for nature, respect for the environment , the diversity and inclusion of all people, to spur even the coldest emotional intelligence and train our little ones to understand the world of love.

We are also one of the most committed publishers in the publication of bilingual works, offering texts in two versions (English / Spanish, Italian / English…)

All this intrinsic value, together with our robust international distribution network, has allowed BABIDI-BÚ to establish itself over the years as one of the most valid entrepreneurial realities in the publishing sector. We have already realized the dreams of several authors, sharing with them a great goal: “to transmit and transform”.

Now our goal is to continue to grow, to guarantee the best editorial service to the authors who will arrive in the years to come, while remaining within everyone’s reach.

Send us your manuscript

The Editing process

Contact with the author

If we believe a work is genuine and in line with our editorial values, we contact the author to express our interest in his manuscript. The editorial process begins at that point.

Meeting with the author

At this point, a meeting is organized with the author to discuss in detail his work, the possible publication and signing of the Publishing Agreement which is adapted to the specific case. If the author cannot physically attend, we will agree with him on an alternative way to communicate.

Illustration of the book

If the work needs to be illustrated, we offer the services of one of our illustrators who is put in contact with the author in order to agree on the type of collaboration that is being undertaken in carrying out a three-way teamwork.

Setting the design

The manuscript passes to our team of designers, who will carry out the design work of the cover, back cover and internal layout of the book.

Correction of the work

The corrector in charge will provide for any ortho typographic and stylistic correction.

Legal management

The necessary legal procedures for promotion and pre-distribution will be completed.

Review by the author

The author reviews the corrected work and, if approved, moves on to the final printing of the same. Each case of corrective discrepancy between publisher and author will be treated in detail to find a point of mutual consent. Revisions will be made if necessary.

Distribution of the work

The work will be distributed in all our sales channels.

Promotion of the book

We settle the marketing, printing and promotion of the book, always actively collaborating with the author.

Digital version of the book

BookTrailers are prepared, possibly in the Ebook format, and positioning in the sales channels

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The price of the book is the result of a mathematical formula related to the printing price of the same. This cost in turn depends on the format, the quality of the paper, the number of black and white pages and the number of colored pages.It is in the publisher’s interest to ensure that the prices of his books are as competitive as possible to encourage sales. If an author wishes to increase the price of his book compared to our proposal, we will study the case and reach an optimal consensus for all parties.
In order to make the project feasible, we expect a sale guaranteed by the author. The initial circulation of our books is around 300 copies (as a novelty service), depending on the sales forecast, the character of the book and the type of binding. In any case, the new technologies used in the printing processes require us to create short runs at a competitive unit cost, thus maintaining the ISBN book, updating it every year with new reprints. Our innovative printing autonomy also avoids the deterioration of unsold books that are stored in warehouses indefinitely.
In order to obtain the highest possible linguistic quality, the text must be subjected to correction and adaptation to the “language of children or young people” (depending on the age group to which it is addressed). On the other hand, in the event that this work admits the possibility (depending on its characteristics), the author will be proposed to develop a series of complementary ideas that would improve the work by bringing added value. Reading for children – more than any other, if possible – given the particularly sensitive audience to which it is addressed, cannot afford inaccuracies.
All our published works – whether they are the result of a selection and planning carried out in several months by the publisher, or of a collaboration between author and publisher that allows immediate realization for publication – follow the same process and quality control in terms of texts, illustrations, layout, cover design, choice of fonts, etc.We check every detail to the maximum. For us the excellence of each publication is a fundamental requirement, as it is, above all, that each author is satisfied with the final result. For this, our editing process does not stop until everything is validated / approved with the author.
An illustrated album for children can be in a range between 20 and 40 pages.

Do you have any further questions? Contact us

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